Welcome to the #MM81 Blog

Hi Everyone,

Welcome to the MM81 blog, here I will be giving updates on what is being planned for upcoming events that we will be hosting. Unfortunately due to the COVID-19 everything planned this year will be on postponed until we get back to the new normal.

Lets face it things will never be the same as it was before but we will persevere through this pandemic. As part of human nature we adapt to the situations we face, what seems odd to us now will at one point seem like its something we have always been doing. I guess thats how we grow stronger and become more intuitive to our surroundings.

By the way my name is Mike in case your wondering, and this page was started in memory of Maddy Murphy my daughter who we all thought loved life. Just seeing some of the videos I will be posting on this blog you would never know how we got to the point we did.

Mental Health is part of all of us, its lives with us everyday, its all the emotions we feel, joy, sorrow, being angry or tired. How we cope with these emotions on a daily basis is how we struggle with our Mental Health. We all need to keep our Mental Well-being in check as sometimes we can feel overwhelmed and make irrational decisions that not only affect us but everyone around us.

Please contact me for any topics you would like to discuss or questions you may have. Reach out through the contact link….no holds barred everything on the table as this is a blog….if you need to chat about anything or just need to rant I am always here to listen because #YOUmatter!!




Explanation Of The Maddy Murphy Scholarship Award


The Maddy Murphy Memorial Fund